Deriving variations of type from Enneagram tests with type scores
Enneagram tests that result in scores for all nine types can not only suggest your basic Enneagram type but also be used to derive your:
- candidate types
- preferred wing
- gut type
- heart type
- head type
- tri-center (aka trifix or tritype)
- tri-center with wings
Below is a list of tests in random order that result in a score for all nine types. Take any one of the tests, make note of the numeric scores for each type, then visit the Explain Test Results page on this website to further analyze your results.
Enneagram Institute - Riso-Hudson Type Indicator (RHETI)- Interpretation(s): Enneagram Institute
- Testing method: Forced-choice
- Number of test items: 144
- Test results: Score for each type
- Cost: Pay to take the test
Personality Path - Enneagram Personality Test- Interpretation(s): Personality Path
- Testing method: Likert scale
- Number of test items: 45
- Test results: Score for each type
- Cost: Free to take the test, pay for result
Enneagram Institute - Riso-Hudson Type Indicator (RHETI) Sampler- Interpretation(s): Enneagram Institute
- Testing method: Forced-choice
- Number of test items: 36
- Test results: Score for each type
- Cost: Free to take the test
Dave's Enneagram - Composite Test- Interpretation(s): Multiple Sampling
- Testing method: Likert scale
- Number of test items: 72
- Test results: Score for each type, suggests basic type and all type variations except instinct
- Cost: Free to take the test
Truity - Enneagram Test- Interpretation(s): Truity
- Testing method: Likert scale
- Number of test items: 105
- Test results: Score for each type, suggests basic type
- Cost: Free to take the test, pay for full results
Open Psychometrics - Open Enneagram of Personality Scales- Interpretation(s): *Unknown
- Testing method: Likert scale
- Number of test items: 36
- Test results: Score for each type
- Cost: Free to take the test
Your Enneagram Coach - Enneagram Type Assessment- Interpretation(s): Your Enneagram Coach
- Testing method: Likert scale, forced-choice
- Number of test items: 68
- Test results: Score % for each type
- Cost: Free to take the test
IDR Labs - Enneagram Test- Interpretation(s): *Unknown
- Testing method: Likert scale
- Number of test items: 45
- Test results: Score for each type
- Cost: Free to take the test
Psycho Tests - Enneagram Test- Interpretation(s): Psycho Tests
- Testing method: Likert scale
- Number of test items: 45
- Test results: Score % for each type
- Cost: Free to take the test
Enneagram Approach - Enneagram Assessment- Interpretation(s): *Unknown
- Testing method: Multiple-choice
- Number of test items: 36
- Test results: Score % for types with a score
- Cost: Free to take Enneagram Word Test- Interpretation(s):
- Testing method: Likert scale
- Number of test items: 45
- Test results: Score % for each type
- Cost: Free to take the test
Enneagram User Guide - Type Preference Test- Interpretation(s): Enneagram User Guide
- Testing method: Forced-choice
- Number of test items: Short version = 36, Long version = 108
- Test results: Score for each type, suggests basic type and all type variations except instinct
- Cost: Free to take the test - Enneagram Test (short version)- Interpretation(s):
- Testing method: Likert scale
- Number of test items: 60
- Test results: Score % for each type, instinctual stacking
- Cost: Free to take the test - Enneagram Test- Interpretation(s):
- Testing method: Likert scale
- Number of test items: 72
- Test results: Score for each type
- Cost: Free to take the test - Enneagram Test (long version)- Interpretation(s):
- Testing method: Likert scale
- Number of test items: 131
- Test results: Score % for each type, instinctual stacking
- Cost: Free to take the test Enneagram + Jung Test- Interpretation(s):
- Testing method: Likert scale
- Number of test items: 102
- Test results: Myers-Briggs type, score % for each Enneagram type, instinctual stacking
- Cost: Free to take the test
Personality Data - Enneagram Test- Interpretation(s): Personality Data
- Testing method: Likert scale
- Number of test items: 48
- Test results: Score for each type
- Cost: Free to take the test - Instinctual Variant Test- Interpretation(s):
- Testing method: Likert scale
- Number of test items: 25
- Test results: Score % for each instinct
- Cost: Free to take the test
Personality Probe - Enneagram Personality Test- Interpretation(s): Enneagram User Guide
- Testing method: Likert scale
- Number of test items: 72
- Test results: Score for each type, suggests basic type and all type variations except instinct
- Cost: Free to take the test
AREALME - Enneagram Test- Interpretation(s): *Unknown
- Testing method: Likert scale
- Number of test items: 108
- Test results: Score % for each type
- Cost: Free to take the test
interpretations are where the test website has no type descriptions and the test itself makes no mention of which interpretation is being used.