What is my Enneagram wing? Tests to help find your preferred wing
Your Enneagram wings are the types on either side of your basic type as seen on the Enneagram symbol (i.e., types 9 and 2 are the wings for type 1, types 1 and 3 are the wings for type 2, etc.).
While both wing types have an influence upon your basic type, one wing type will often have more of an influence than the other. This is often referred to as your preferred or dominant wing and is abbreviated with a "w" between the basic type and preferred wing (e.g., 1 with a 9-wing - abbreviated 1w9, 1 with a 2-wing - abbreviated 1w2, etc.).
Your preferred wing "flavors" your basic type in that it creates a specific variation of the type. For example, someone identifying as 1w9 will be similar to someone 1w2 because they are both type 1 but will also be different because of the influence from a different preferred wing.
There are generally two types of test results that can help you find your preferred wing.
Tests that explicitly suggest preferred wing
Some test results will not only suggest a basic type but a preferred wing as well.
Eclectic Energies - Classical Enneagram Test- Interpretation(s): Eclectic Energies
- Testing method: Likert scale
- Number of test items: 123
- Test results: Type and wing, top 3 type scores
- Cost: Free to take test
Eclectic Energies - Enneagram Test with Instinctual Variant- Interpretation(s): Eclectic Energies
- Testing method: Likert scale
- Number of test items: 52
- Test results: Type, wing, and dominant instinct
- Cost: Free to take test
Dave's Enneagram - Composite Test- Interpretation(s): Multiple Sampling
- Testing method: Likert scale
- Number of test items: 72
- Test results: Score for each type, suggests basic type and all type variations except instinct
- Cost: Free to take the test
enneagram-personality.com - Enneagram Test- Interpretation(s): enneagram-personality.com
- Testing method: Likert scale
- Number of test items: 72
- Test results: Score for each type
- Cost: Free to take the test
Personality Probe - Enneagram Personality Test- Interpretation(s): Enneagram User Guide
- Testing method: Likert scale
- Number of test items: 72
- Test results: Score for each type, suggests basic type and all type variations except instinct
- Cost: Free to take the test
Enneagram User Guide - Type with Wing Test- Interpretation(s): Enneagram User Guide
- Testing method: Forced-choice, Paragraphs
- Number of test items: 5
- Test results: Suggests type with wing
- Cost: Free to take the test
Enneagram User Guide - Type Preference Test- Interpretation(s): Enneagram User Guide
- Testing method: Forced-choice
- Number of test items: Short version = 36, Long version = 108
- Test results: Score for each type, suggests basic type and all type variations except instinct
- Cost: Free to take the test
interpretations are where the test website has no type descriptions and the test itself makes no mention of which interpretation is being used.
Tests where preferred wing can be derived
Some tests may not explicitly suggest a preferred wing but the preferred wing can be derived from the results because the results display scores for all nine types.
People new to the Enneagram types sometimes assume the preferred wing will be the second highest scoring type on a test but the wings for a type can only be the types on either side of your basic type. When you have scores for all nine types you can find your preferred wing by comparing the scores of your two wing types to each other. The higher score will be your preferred wing.
Enneagram Institute - Riso-Hudson Type Indicator (RHETI) Sampler- Interpretation(s): Enneagram Institute
- Testing method: Forced-choice
- Number of test items: 36
- Test results: Score for each type
- Cost: Free to take the test
Enneagram Approach - Enneagram Assessment- Interpretation(s): *Unknown
- Testing method: Multiple-choice
- Number of test items: 36
- Test results: Score % for types with a score
- Cost: Free to take
similarminds.com - Enneagram Test (long version)- Interpretation(s): similarminds.com
- Testing method: Likert scale
- Number of test items: 131
- Test results: Score % for each type, instinctual stacking
- Cost: Free to take the test
Dave's Enneagram - Composite Test- Interpretation(s): Multiple Sampling
- Testing method: Likert scale
- Number of test items: 72
- Test results: Score for each type, suggests basic type and all type variations except instinct
- Cost: Free to take the test
AREALME - Enneagram Test- Interpretation(s): *Unknown
- Testing method: Likert scale
- Number of test items: 108
- Test results: Score % for each type
- Cost: Free to take the test
enneagram-personality.com - Enneagram Test- Interpretation(s): enneagram-personality.com
- Testing method: Likert scale
- Number of test items: 72
- Test results: Score for each type
- Cost: Free to take the test
similarminds.com Enneagram Word Test- Interpretation(s): similarminds.com
- Testing method: Likert scale
- Number of test items: 45
- Test results: Score % for each type
- Cost: Free to take the test
Enneagram Institute - Riso-Hudson Type Indicator (RHETI)- Interpretation(s): Enneagram Institute
- Testing method: Forced-choice
- Number of test items: 144
- Test results: Score for each type
- Cost: Pay to take the test
Your Enneagram Coach - Enneagram Type Assessment- Interpretation(s): Your Enneagram Coach
- Testing method: Likert scale, forced-choice
- Number of test items: 68
- Test results: Score % for each type
- Cost: Free to take the test
Personality Data - Enneagram Test- Interpretation(s): Personality Data
- Testing method: Likert scale
- Number of test items: 48
- Test results: Score for each type
- Cost: Free to take the test
Personality Probe - Enneagram Personality Test- Interpretation(s): Enneagram User Guide
- Testing method: Likert scale
- Number of test items: 72
- Test results: Score for each type, suggests basic type and all type variations except instinct
- Cost: Free to take the test
similarminds.com - Instinctual Variant Test- Interpretation(s): similarminds.com
- Testing method: Likert scale
- Number of test items: 25
- Test results: Score % for each instinct
- Cost: Free to take the test
similarminds.com Enneagram + Jung Test- Interpretation(s): similarminds.com
- Testing method: Likert scale
- Number of test items: 102
- Test results: Myers-Briggs type, score % for each Enneagram type, instinctual stacking
- Cost: Free to take the test
similarminds.com - Enneagram Test (short version)- Interpretation(s): similarminds.com
- Testing method: Likert scale
- Number of test items: 60
- Test results: Score % for each type, instinctual stacking
- Cost: Free to take the test
Open Psychometrics - Open Enneagram of Personality Scales- Interpretation(s): *Unknown
- Testing method: Likert scale
- Number of test items: 36
- Test results: Score for each type
- Cost: Free to take the test
Psycho Tests - Enneagram Test- Interpretation(s): Psycho Tests
- Testing method: Likert scale
- Number of test items: 45
- Test results: Score % for each type
- Cost: Free to take the test
IDR Labs - Enneagram Test- Interpretation(s): *Unknown
- Testing method: Likert scale
- Number of test items: 45
- Test results: Score for each type
- Cost: Free to take the test
Enneagram User Guide - Type Preference Test- Interpretation(s): Enneagram User Guide
- Testing method: Forced-choice
- Number of test items: Short version = 36, Long version = 108
- Test results: Score for each type, suggests basic type and all type variations except instinct
- Cost: Free to take the test
Personality Path - Enneagram Personality Test- Interpretation(s): Personality Path
- Testing method: Likert scale
- Number of test items: 45
- Test results: Score for each type
- Cost: Free to take the test, pay for result
Truity - Enneagram Test- Interpretation(s): Truity
- Testing method: Likert scale
- Number of test items: 105
- Test results: Score for each type, suggests basic type
- Cost: Free to take the test, pay for full results
interpretations are where the test website has no type descriptions and the test itself makes no mention of which interpretation is being used.