Confirming your Enneagram type by seeing yourself in others

Reading descriptions about the Enneagram types can only give you a conceptual idea of what the types are about. To really know the types you have to see them come to life by watching and listening to people of each type. This requires that you know what type you're looking at and listening to.

The best way to do that is to watch and listen to people who know their Enneagram type describe how they experience their type. Not only does it help you become more familiar with the actual experience of each type but it also helps you confirm that you've identified your type correctly by how well you relate to what others of a given type are describing.

Enneagram Types In Their Own Words

Below are videos of people sharing what it's like to live from their Enneagram type. Because there are other influences upon personality besides Enneagram type, not everyone will express Enneagram type in exactly the same way.

Click on a type below to see and play the videos. There are also links below each video that provide more information related to the video.

Type 1 Description: The Perfectionist
YouTube Channel: The Narrative Enneagram

Type 1 Description: Judge
YouTube Channel: Conscious Living Center

Type 1 Description: The Perfectionist
YouTube Channel: enneagramdotcom

Type 1 Description: The Perfectionist/ Improver/Reformer
YouTube Channel: Lynn Roulo

Type 1 Description: The Perfectionist
YouTube Channel: Theresa Gale

Type 1 Description: The Perfectionist / Reformer
YouTube Channel: Enneagram Dignity Project

Type 2 Description: The Giver
YouTube Channel: The Narrative Enneagram

Type 2 Description: Provider
YouTube Channel: Conscious Living Center

Type 2 Description: The Giver
YouTube Channel: enneagramdotcom

Type 2 Description: The Helper/Giver/Befriender
YouTube Channel: Lynn Roulo

Type 2 Description: The Giver
YouTube Channel: Theresa Gale

Type 3 Description: The Performer
YouTube Channel: The Narrative Enneagram

Type 3 Description: Doer
YouTube Channel: Conscious Living Center

Type 3 Description: The Performer
YouTube Channel: enneagramdotcom

Type 3 Description: Achiever/Motivator
YouTube Channel: Lynn Roulo

Type 3 Description: The Performer
YouTube Channel: Theresa Gale

Type 4 Description: The Romantic
YouTube Channel: The Narrative Enneagram

Type 4 Description: Idealist
YouTube Channel: Conscious Living Center

Type 4 Description: The Romantic
YouTube Channel: enneagramdotcom

Type 4 Description: Individualist/Artist
YouTube Channel: Lynn Roulo

Type 4 Description: The Romantic
YouTube Channel: Theresa Gale

YouTube Channel: Conscious Enneagram

YouTube Channel: Evolving Enneagram

Type 4 Description: The Romantic / Individualist
YouTube Channel: Enneagram Dignity Project

Type 5 Description: The Observer
YouTube Channel: The Narrative Enneagram

Type 5 Description: Sage
YouTube Channel: Conscious Living Center

Type 5 Description: The Observer
YouTube Channel: enneagramdotcom

Type 5 Description: The Investigator/ Observer
YouTube Channel: Lynn Roulo

Type 5 Description: The Observer
YouTube Channel: Theresa Gale

YouTube Channel: Conscious Enneagram

YouTube Channel: Evolving Enneagram

Type 6 Description: The Loyal Skeptic
YouTube Channel: The Narrative Enneagram

Type 6 Description: Questioner
YouTube Channel: Conscious Living Center

Type 6 Description: The Loyal Skeptic
YouTube Channel: enneagramdotcom

Type 6 Description: The Loyalist/Skeptic
YouTube Channel: Lynn Roulo

Type 6 Description: The Loyal Skeptic
YouTube Channel: Theresa Gale

YouTube Channel: Conscious Enneagram

YouTube Channel: Evolving Enneagram

Type 6 Description: The Loyal Skeptic / Questioner
YouTube Channel: Enneagram Dignity Project

Type 7 Description: The Epicure
YouTube Channel: The Narrative Enneagram

Type 7 Description: Adventurer
YouTube Channel: Conscious Living Center

Type 7 Description: The Epicure
YouTube Channel: enneagramdotcom

Type 7 Description: The Enthusiast/ Adventurer/ Generalist
YouTube Channel: Lynn Roulo

Type 7 Description: The Epicure
YouTube Channel: Theresa Gale

YouTube Channel: Conscious Enneagram

YouTube Channel: Evolving Enneagram

Type 8 Description: The Protector
YouTube Channel: The Narrative Enneagram

Type 8 Description: Defender
YouTube Channel: Conscious Living Center

Type 8 Description: The Protector
YouTube Channel: enneagramdotcom

Type 8 Description: Leader/Boss
YouTube Channel: Lynn Roulo

Type 8 Description: The Boss/Protector
YouTube Channel: Theresa Gale

YouTube Channel: Evolving Enneagram

Type 9 Description: The Mediator
YouTube Channel: The Narrative Enneagram

Type 9 Description: Moderator
YouTube Channel: Conscious Living Center

Type 9 Description: The Mediator
YouTube Channel: enneagramdotcom

Type 9 Description: Peacemaker/Harmonizer/Mediator
YouTube Channel: Lynn Roulo

Type 9 Description: The Mediator
YouTube Channel: Theresa Gale

YouTube Channel: Evolving Enneagram

Type 9 Description: The Peacemaker / Mediator
YouTube Channel: Enneagram Dignity Project